Page name: Ed and Ein Fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-27 20:48:34
Last author: Ayame the Snake
Owner: Cliché
# of watchers: 15
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welcome to Ed and Ein Fans! For all those fans of Cowboy Bebop's young space cowgirl and her dog!!!

Well, we did have a banner, but it violates the rules so take yours down. Sorry everyone!!!








Ed's super cool Links! -Go here to see Ed's favorite Cowboy bebop sites!!

Words of Wisdom from Ed-My quotes!

Edward's rp of Doom and Distruction!! -an rp I just started. Please, i need characters!! (Oh, and what'd ya think of the name?)

Creator:1.[Cliché] I love Ed and Ein! (Duh, I made this wiki) And I have an Ein plushie!!! Such a good show, and such cool charaters!!!
2.[mudge] ahhh i love them.. so cute!
3.[fearless?] I LOVE ED!!!!!!!!!!! (and ein, of course) they bring comic relief into cowboy bebop ;)
4.[Cat0132] hehe!
5.[White Phoenix aka Ryoko] "Oooh it's Faye-Faye!!!" lol; i luff Ed!!! ^^
6.[LaughingMan] heh...i just started watchin Bebop
7.[Kamikaze Girl] I love ein!!!!!!! and Ed is the funiest character ^^
8.[kirsa]-jeez jules it takes forever to load this page! Deirdre luvs Ein more than anyone in the world-hehe she's right here! Ahh im crazy but so is Ed so leave me alone!
9.[Amber_eyes] Ed is sooo cool! And i love Ein! YAY!
10.[Akika_Inari] wow..i feel wierd being here with this ^^ Ed andEin are the best! I have a stufted Ein!
11.[kenloveshin]-Ein is so cute...i have a poster of them on my wall!
12.[LaLinaPumpkin] I don't really remember the dog(sarry guys) but I think Ed is AmazinG!
13.[ViciousLegato] Ein is truly mad crazy awesome! and not to mention cute ^^
14.[metallickittycat]ed is neat, i wish i had her com skills...then i could rule the net...not to mention chess...
15.[Nite_Owl] ed's one of the coolest anime characters, and ein's the cutest animal! ^_^ Yay ffor Cowgirl and Cowdog! lol
15.[Yoruno] I love them! They are so nice and cute... I even think Ein is the most intelligent being in the whole Bebop... :P
16.[do not exist] *loves on her stuffed ein and her stuffed ed*my nick name is ed! ed and ein rock!
17.[They look like monsters to you?]I love this show and Ed and Ein are awesome-o.^^
18. [burntashes] oooh spooky!!!
19. [. x o x o .] ^ ^ so cool and cute!
20. [Sally Stiches] OMG OMG OMG OMG^.^ i'm ED!!! i'm ED!!! and now i see that u have a wiki!!! kewl kewl kewl! *gets really hyper and starts hacking* yay!!!! and i have a dog his name is EIN!!!
21. [cowsgomoo14245] how can you not love Ed?
22. [Katisama] Ed!!!! Ein!!!! Yay!!! How cuuute!!!!!-^^-
23.[pocky kitty] eds so cute
24.[Pyra] Heyhey!! haha, my friends call me Radical Ed, but I say they're all pickely people! O.O; hehe! And I know a girl in real life....and you know what her name is? FAYE-FAYE!!
25.[Phoenix Tears] Fan of all things Cowboy Bebop! Check my wiki as well....Cowboy Bebop
26.[Cloudwatcher] ^^
27.[Nuktae-tal] OMG! Edward and ein!! I love them!!
29. [Roma] Ed and Ein totally rock. Definitely two of the best characters in the show. However, as the show is so well thought out, and fantastic, I'm having difficulty picking a bad character. Other than Julia. Didn't like her. GO BEBOP!
30. [weefreeman] *is ein incarnate* woof!
31. [Dark Trance] Ein will rule the world!!!!!!!!! *turns into ein* *runs off*
32.[a faerie tale] Did you bring present for Ed?
33.[Ryo003] Ed and Ein were awsome!
34. [oxyJ3N] YAY! *join join* Ed! ^^
36.[Nekko fox] I think I know, I don't think I know, I think I think I know, I think I think I think.........
37.[Black_Dragon_123] 'cuz Ed said so. And both Ed and Ein rawk!
38.[.X.X.Lips Of Deceit.X.X.] Just because Ed n Ein are the cooliest ever!
39.[Chiharu] Awwwww so cute ^_^
41. [Phoenix_phyre]Ed and Ein are devine.
Hey, go join my friends wiki The Spike Spiegel Fan Club!! It rocks!!! Spike is hot.
42. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™]-my goodness!!! I loove them so much!
43. [Ayame the Snake] Faye here faye faye!

And if you like Fruits Basket, go join my new wiki Fruits Basket Fans!!!!

Or if you like Full Metal Alchemist, join the Full Metal Alchemist Fan Club!!

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2005-01-16 [Nite_Owl]: y4y/\/355 4 |\/|3!!! 707 (^,^)

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: 3y3 /\/\1553|) j00 t00!!!!!! 1 j|_|5t |)1|)/\/'t /\/0t1c3 j00 73ft.....|-|3|-| |-|3|-|

2005-01-16 [Nite_Owl]: 707 50k4y :D i'|\/| i/\/54/\/e7y 80r3|)

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: r3477y? 3y3'/\/\ /\/0t.

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: /\/\3 /\/31t|-|3r...3y3'/\/\ \/\/0rk1/\/6 0/\/ c4tc|-|1/\/6 |_|p \/\/1t|-| /\/\364t0ky0...

2005-01-16 [Nuktae-tal]: AAAAAAAAAAHHHH

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: \/\/|-|4t'5 \/\/1t|-| j00?

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3 t|-|1/\/k 5|-|3 ph33r5 0|_|r 733t.

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: \/\/|-|4t???? 5|-|3 ph34r5 t3|-| 733t/\/355? T|-|4t'5 1/\/54/\/3!

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3 k/\/0\/\/! 733t r0x!

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: .....t3|-| 3\/17, 1t'5 t00 /\/\|_|c|-| (60 74r60!)

2005-01-16 [Nuktae-tal]: WWWAAAHHHH I can't understand!!!

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: *516|-|* 1t r3477y 15/\/'t t|-|4t |-|4r|).

2005-01-16 [Nuktae-tal]: WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!*throws hands up mad*

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: 4\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/, 3y3 t|-|1/\/k 5|-|3'5 /\/\4|)

2005-01-16 [Nuktae-tal]: ......gggrrr*glares*

2005-01-16 [Dark Trance]: CONFUSDEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-16 [Nite_Owl]: *glomps nuktae-tal (^,^) that's okies! my friend don't get 733t either lol ;)

2005-01-16 [Dark Trance]: brain explodes

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: F0075...

2005-01-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 0r, 45 74r60 \/\/0|_|7|) 54y, "Sw33t!"

2005-01-16 [Cliché]: T|-|3y 4r3 5|_|c|-| 4/\/\4t|_|r35....T|-|3y'r3 /\/PC5 (/\/0/\/-p74y3r c|-|4r4ct3r5.)

2005-01-17 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 707.....74r60 |)035/\/'t k/\/0\/\/ 733t 71k3 |_|5! XD

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: WWWAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: .....glad I got yoyur attention!* giggles*

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |_||-|.........

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: GGRRRR!!

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: |-|3y Ry0k0! 3y3 j|_|5t r3471z3|) \/\/3 c4/\/ t47k 4/\/|) /\/0 0/\/3 c4/\/ |_|/\/|)3r5t4/\/|) |_|5!!!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: stop it! stop it!!

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: \/\/3 c4/\/ 54y \/\/|-|4t3\/3r \/\/3 \/\/4/\/t! 8\/\/4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4!!!!!!!

2005-01-18 [Nite_Owl]: *pats nuktae-tal on the head* ish okay. i shall talk mostly in english for ya!! lol

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: thank you!*glomps owl*

2005-01-18 [Dark Trance]: i still don get this crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wheres ed?

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: |-|3y, t|-|15 15 f|_|/\/!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: um....I don't know...but we are leaving hanajima completely out of the conversations for now alright?

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: um....I don't know...but we are leaving hanajima completely out of the conversations for now alright?

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: 0k4y, /\/0t 50 f|_|/\/ /\/0\/\/...j3rk5...

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: yep ignoring hanajima

2005-01-18 [Cliché]:

16/\/0r3 T|-|13!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: yep ignoring someone who won't talk to me because I am bored

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: F1/\/3 t|-|3/\/. I'll talk.

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: *grins* good! cuase I amm soooooo bored!!

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: boed?

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: ya bored!

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: hehehe...boed?? XD

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: whata re you people talking about!xP

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: don't ya mean bored? XD

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: you forgot the r there. Ry0k0! Y4y! 3y3 c4/\/ 5p34k 733t 4641/\/!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: no I didn't read it again!

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |-|33|-|33|-|33! \/\/3 4r3 t|-|3 47/\/\16|-|Ty 733t15t q|_|33/\/5!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: |)4/\/\ /\/ 5tr416t! \/\/3 0\/\//\/z t3|-| 733t!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: *hits hanajima with a toy mallet*

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: h3h3h3!!! \/\/3 1z t3|-| 6r34t 733t15t5! XDDD Oh.....'ello! ^^U

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: *hits ryoko with it to...angrily*

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 0\/\/13!!!!! 0\/\/-0\/\/-0\/\/-0\/\/-0\/\/-0\/\/-0\/\/!!!!! T|-|4t |-||_|rt!!!!! (that hurt! XP)

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: TALK NORMAL OR I"LL HIT YOU AGAIN!!

2005-01-18 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: MOO!!!!!

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: *5t1ck5 0|_|t t0/\/6|_|3* j00 |)0/\/'t 5c4r3 /\/\3!

2005-01-18 [Nuktae-tal]: GGRRRRR *hits hanajima again*

2005-01-18 [Cliché]: *870ck5* :P 3y3'/\/\ 83tt3r t|-|4/\/ j00!

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol! XD sowwy....I got cought up in the l33tness. XD

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: /\/0! Ry0k0! |)0/\/0t 60 t0 t3|-| |)4rk 51|)3! |)0/\/'t 61\/3 1/\/!!!

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: /\/000000000000000 1t'5 |)r4661/\/6 /\/\3 11111/\/ /\/ /\/.........

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: F16|-|t 1t!!!!!!!!! j00 c4/\/ |)0 1t!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: /\/000000000000000000000000...............................................3y3 f0|_|6|-|t 1t. :)

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: Y4Y! 3y3 \/\/45 \/\/0rr13|) f0r 4 53c0/\/|)

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 707; /\/0 /\/33|) 2 8 \/\/0rr13|)! ^^

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: 600|), /\/0\/\/ 73t'5 533 |-|0\/\/ 4/\/6ry 3\/3ry0/\/3 63t5 4641/\/

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: y35! 73t'5! ^^

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: |-|3|-|3|-|3 T13 f|_|/\/, t|-|3y 63t 50 4/\//\/0y3|)

2005-01-19 [Nuktae-tal]: I'm gonna leave

2005-01-19 [Nite_Owl]: no wait!! *glomps muktae-tal to the ground* i'll talk normal now. it takes too long to read all the 733t messages, so i have no clue what went on for lik the last 10 hours lol

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol; sorry! D'ya mind if I speak in both l33t and normal? ^^ |-|4|-|4|-|4.....t|-|3y c4/\/'t |_|/\/|)3r5t4/\/|) |_|5!!! 8\/\/4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4|-|4444444!!! XD

2005-01-19 [Cliché]: 15/\/'t 1t f|_|/\/??? \/\/3 c4/\/ 63t 3\/\/4y \/\/1t|-| 4/\/yt|-|1/\/6!!!!!

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |-|377 y34|-|!............0|-|! 0|-|! 6|_|355 \/\/|-|4t!! X3

2005-01-19 [Nuktae-tal]: no fair I wana leave and your holding me down !

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol; sorry....but guess what!!! ^^

2005-01-19 [Nite_Owl]: i can understand it, but nukae-tal is sadness :( *huggles*

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh... ok. *huggles* Guess whaaaaaaaaaaaat!!! ^^

2005-01-19 [Nuktae-tal]: AAAAAAYYYYEEEEE!! what?

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I GOT THE 2ND COWBOY BEBOP: SHOOTING STAR MANGA!!!!! ^^

2005-01-19 [Nite_Owl]: you suck lol i can't have any manga cause my mom doesn't even know what it is -_-;

2005-01-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *gasps*

2005-01-19 [Nuktae-tal]: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO

2005-01-20 [Cliché]: 63|-|! /\/0 f41r!!!!!! 3y3 \/\/4/\/t 1t!!!!!!!!!! (And that's horrible Owl!)

2005-01-20 [Nite_Owl]: *sigh* yeah....but my step-mummy got me all seven demon diary for xmas :D i was super happiness lol

2005-01-20 [Nuktae-tal]: NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I only have the thrid!!

2005-01-20 [Nite_Owl]: *point and laugh for i finally have something some else doesn't* LOL hehehe j/k then you probably haven't met krayon yet? but you did get to see leeche! lol hehehe i loved eclipse's face in that part :D

2005-01-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I don't have that manga either....but I do have a Vash Pin of Doom and Distruction. X3

2005-01-20 [Nite_Owl]: lol hehehehe

2005-01-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: He pokes people. He is my loyal sidekick. He shall help me rule the world. That or poke all the stupid bastards at school who mock me.

2005-01-20 [Nuktae-tal]: leeche? you mean the floating guy?

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: Awww...has the 733tness left us?

2005-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: *shakes head*uh-uh. leeche is the little girl. did i spell that right?? lol krayon in the floeting guy

2005-01-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: /\/0, |-|4/\/4j1/\/\4. |)4 733t/\/355 |-|45 /\/0t 73ft |_|5. :)

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: Y4Y! 3y3 \/\/45 4fr41|) 1t |-|4|)

2005-01-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: |-|3|-|3..../\/0 1t |)1|)/\/'t; 3y3 j|_|5t t00k 4 8r34k. ^^U

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: 0k4y, 3y3 5|_|p0553 1t |)035 63t 4 71tt73 4/\//\/0y1/\/6

2005-01-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: y34|-|.....8|_|t r4r37y. ^^

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: y3p, 1t'5 k1/\/|)4 |-|4r|) t0 typ3 1t 477 |_|p 50/\/\3t1/\/\35

2005-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: *sigh* 0|-|, f16|-|t1|\|6 4 84tt73 1 <4|\|'t \/\/1|\| 707

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: y34|-|, 3y3 5|_|p0553 50...

2005-01-21 [Nuktae-tal]: yea leeche I liked her!

2005-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: lol me too (^,^)

2005-01-21 [Dark Trance]: THE MIGRANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 50rry....oops, I mean sorry. ^^U

2005-01-21 [Cliché]: Y34|-|, 0|_|r 84|)

2005-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: 707 hehehehe

2005-01-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *glomps Artic Ookami for no reason at all*

2005-01-25 [Nuktae-tal]: ........-,-*starts walking away slowly*

2005-01-25 [Cliché]: *glomps Tal* And you thought you could get away.

2005-01-25 [Nuktae-tal]: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!*squirms*

2005-01-25 [Cliché]: Nice try, but no.

2005-01-25 [Nuktae-tal]: nnnooooo the hugging! the glomping! aaaahhhh*wiggles*

2005-01-25 [Cliché]: Hehe *snuggles*

2005-01-25 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) *watching from nearby branch* i've gotten enough huggleses today lol

2005-01-26 [Nuktae-tal]: helpo me!!! I'm getting snuggled!!!* reaches out for help*

2005-01-26 [Cliché]: *pounces on Owl while still holding Tal* GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-26 [Nuktae-tal]: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* tired to squirm away more now*

2005-01-26 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *joins group hug*

2005-01-26 [Cliché]: Yay!

2005-01-26 [Nite_Owl]: (^,^) more huggles!!! *squeezes nuktae-tal*

2005-01-26 [Nuktae-tal]: NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!*passes out from to much hugging*

2005-01-26 [Cliché]: Oopsy, is she dead?

2005-01-26 [Dark Trance]: she is?

2005-01-26 [Cliché]: I don't know. *pokes tal*

2005-01-26 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Hehehe....I'll get the sugar! ^^ *runs off, returning with a bag of sugar*

2005-01-26 [Cliché]: Ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eats sugar* Yummy!

2005-01-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: hehehe....shovel some in 'Tal's mouth! ^^

2005-01-27 [Cliché]: *shovels sugar in Tal's mouth* Wake up!!!

2005-01-27 [Nite_Owl]: maybe more huggles will wake her up!! *prepares to glomp tal*

2005-01-27 [Dark Trance]: *appears on a tree* lol

2005-01-27 [Nuktae-tal]: *ish choking to death on sugar.......stands up turns around and barfs*

2005-01-27 [Dark Trance]: *Falls out of tree*

2005-01-27 [Dark Trance]: *Falls out of tree*

2005-01-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XDDD I didn't mean that much sugar, Hana-chan!

2005-01-27 [Nuktae-tal]: *is barfing to death*

2005-01-28 [Cliché]: Well I didn't think there was such a thing as too much sugar! But have no fear, my dad's a doctor! *grabs dad's stomach pump* I'm sure it's not that hard!

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!*runs away*

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: it died?

2005-01-28 [Nite_Owl]: *pokes nuktae-tal for no particular reason* ish youse awake now?? *poke poke* hellllooooooo???

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: *falls over and starts crawling like a snake*

2005-01-28 [Dark Trance]: *gets out of the way and tries to avoid flying stomach pump*

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: *is stilll slithering like a snake*

2005-01-28 [Dark Trance]: *steps on head*

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: *grabs foot and starts chewing on it*

2005-01-28 [Dark Trance]: *rund and jumps nto tree*

2005-01-28 [Cliché]: Oh! She's okay! *glomps tal*

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: *passes out*

2005-01-28 [Cliché]: Oh dear, not again

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: *wakes up and runs* nnoo I don't wanna have sugar shoveled in my mouth!!

2005-01-28 [Cliché]: Why not? *is clueless*

2005-01-28 [Nuktae-tal]: sugar is evil!!

2005-01-28 [Nite_Owl]: no! sugar is FRIENDNESS!!!!!!

2005-01-29 [Nuktae-tal]: not to me...I got it out of my system so now it makes me sick to my stomach!

2005-01-29 [Cliché]: Wierdo

2005-01-29 [Nuktae-tal]: sorry*gets depressed*

2005-01-29 [Cliché]: Jeeze, so sensitive, I was joking! 80% of the time I'm kidding.

2005-01-29 [Nuktae-tal]: ...oh...

2005-01-29 [Cliché]: I live on jokes, insults and arguments, don't take offense to anything I say, chances are I didn't mean it.

2005-01-29 [Nuktae-tal]: lol

2005-01-29 [Dark Trance]: ditto ppl always get mad at me

2005-01-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: '3770 477...

2005-01-30 [Nite_Owl]: |-|3y (^,~)

2005-01-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3'/\/\ 80r3|)...

2005-01-30 [Nite_Owl]: 54|\/|3 |-|3r3....*516|-|*

2005-01-30 [Cliché]: 3y3'/\/\ t1r3|)....

2005-01-30 [Nite_Owl]: \/\/3 |-|4\/3 2 734\/3 4t f1\/3 t0 60 t0 t|-|15 0|\|3 r35t4ur4|\|t \/\/1t|-| fr06 7365 4|\||) 5tuff

2005-01-31 [Cliché]: 3\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/......\/\/|-|y?

2005-01-31 [Nite_Owl]: (not in the mood to type in 733t lol) it's her b-day tomorrow, but she has work then so we're ceebrating today instead and that's where she wants to go to dinner...

2005-01-31 [Cliché]: Oh, I get it. (also too tired to speal 733t)

2005-01-31 [Dark Trance]: oh god not this crap again

2005-01-31 [Cliché]: :P Yes, this crap again.

2005-01-31 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yep crap crap crap! ^^

2005-02-01 [Dark Trance]: I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-01 [Cliché]: It's fairly easy. For example, e=3, a=4, s=5 and so on.

2005-02-02 [Nite_Owl]: yeah it's like a whole bunch of variables put together lol

2005-02-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD 71|<3 t|-|15!

2005-02-02 [Nuktae-tal]: huh>

2005-02-02 [Nite_Owl]: translation: "like this"

2005-02-02 [Nuktae-tal]: uh...

2005-02-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: heeee... ^^

2005-02-04 [Nuktae-tal]: um...

2005-02-04 [Dark Trance]: 1 t|-|1n|< 1 get it mow i giveup this takes 4ever

2005-02-04 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: hehe....yeah, it kinda does. ^^U

2005-02-04 [Cliché]: /\/0t f0r /\/\3! 3y3 <4/\/ |)0 1t pr3tty 9|_|1<|<7y.

2005-02-08 [Dark Trance]: i bet i already got a headache! i did my work in 4th

2005-02-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 3y3 |-|1t /\/\y |-|34|) 0/\/ /\/\y 83|)p05t 0/\/ 5|_|/\/|)4y...1t 5t177 |-||_|rt5...

2005-02-09 [Cliché]: 4\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/...P00r j00, t|-|4t'5 /\/0 600|).

2005-02-09 [Nite_Owl]: lol hehehe *snicker* oooh, snicker's bar!! (^,^) now i need chocolate.... *easily gets off subject....*

2005-02-09 [Cliché]: Mmmmm...chocolate...

2005-02-09 [Dark Trance]: noooooooo i need fooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: WHERE DID THE PAGE GO?!?!?!?!

2005-02-13 [Nite_Owl]: there, i fixed it (^,~) i don't know why peoples do that, it really p!$$es me off...

2005-02-14 [Cliché]: Someone deleted my wiki??? Who??? I'll kill 'em!!!!!!!

2005-02-14 [Nite_Owl]: it looks like [CertifiedG's] did, go kill him lol

2005-02-14 [Cliché]: Yes...I figured that out...Muhahahahahahhaha...

2005-02-14 [Dark Trance]: hes been deletin lotsa pages lately some1 report him...again...i like reporing pplz....

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